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Version: 2.1

Delete Table


Support of Oracle syntax for deleting the table.


[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] with_query [, ...] ]
DELETE [ FROM ] [ ONLY ] table_name [ * ] [ [ AS ] alias ]
[ USING using_list ]
[ WHERE condition | WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name ]
[ RETURNING * | output_expression [ [ AS ] output_name ] [, ...] ]


table_name Table name.
alias Table alias.
using_list A list of table expressions that allow columns from other tables to appear in the WHERE condition.
condition A expression which return boolean value.
cursor_name The name of the cursor to be used in the WHERE CURRENT OF situation.
output_expression After each row is deleted, it will be calculated and returned by DELETE.
output_name The name of the column being returned.


create table tb_test4(id int, flg char(10));

insert into tb_test4 values(1, '2'), (3, '4'), (5, '6');

delete from tb_test4 where id = 1;

delete tb_test4 where id = 3;

table tb_test4;
id | flg
5 | 6
(1 row)